When : when building ruby bindings, it can not find ruby versin so configure will never enable ruby support Why : It is required if you want to use libprelude with ruby Upstream : https://www.prelude-siem.org/issues/759 It should be added in the next version of Prelude. --- a/m4/am_path_ruby.m4 +++ b/m4/am_path_ruby.m4 @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ dnl (shared libraries) AC_CACHE_CHECK([for $am_display_RUBY extension module directory], [am_cv_ruby_rbexecdir], - [am_cv_ruby_rbexecdir=`$RUBY -rrbconfig -e "drive = File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';' ? /\A\w:/ : /\A/; prefix = Regexp.new('\\A' + Regexp.quote(RbConfig::CONFIG[['prefix']])); \\$prefix = RbConfig::CONFIG[['prefix']].sub(drive, ''); \\$sitearchdir = RbConfig::CONFIG[['sitearchdir']].sub(prefix, '\\$(prefix)').sub(drive, ''); print \\$sitearchdir;" 2>/dev/null || echo "${RUBY_EXEC_PREFIX}/local/lib/site_ruby/${RUBY_VERSION}/${RUBY_PLATFORM}"`]) + [am_cv_ruby_rbexecdir=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e "print RbConfig::CONFIG[['vendorarchdir']]"`]) AC_SUBST([rbexecdir], [$am_cv_ruby_rbexecdir]) - RUBY_INCLUDES=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'if RbConfig::CONFIG[["archdir"]] then print " -I" + RbConfig::CONFIG[["archdir"]] end - if RbConfig::CONFIG[["rubyhdrdir"]] then print " -I" + RbConfig::CONFIG[["rubyhdrdir"]] end'` + RUBY_VER=`$RUBY -rrbconfig -e "print RbConfig::CONFIG[['ruby_pc']]" | sed 's/.pc//g'` + RUBY_INCLUDES=`pkg-config $RUBY_VER --cflags` AC_SUBST([RUBY_INCLUDES]) dnl pkgrbexecdir -- $(rbexecdir)/$(PACKAGE)