#!/bin/bash # Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # This is OpenVAS first-start/check-setup script which make things automatically for first time use. ################################################################################################## # If you use systemd or init.d(open-rc) for OpenVAS daemons you don't need to set below settings.# # If you don't use any of them you can set the below command args to start daemons manually. # ################################################################################################## # OpenVAS Manager command args OPENVAS_MANAGER_OPTIONS="" # e.g --foreground OPENVAS_MANAGER_PORT="--port=9390" # Manager listen port OPENVAS_MANAGER_LISTEN_ADDRESS="--listen=" # Manager listen address OPENVAS_MANAGER_SCANNER_HOST="--scanner-host=/var/run/openvassd.sock" # Scanner unix socket OPENVAS_MANAGER_GNUTLS_PRIORITIES="--gnutls-priorities=SECURE256:+SUITEB192:+SECURE192:+SECURE128:+SUITEB128:-MD5:-SHA1:-VERS-TLS1.0:-VERS-TLS1.1:-VERS-SSL3.0" # OpenVAS Scanner command args OPENVAS_SCANNER_OPTIONS="" # e.g --foreground OPENVAS_SCANNER_LISTEN_SOCKET="--unix-socket=/var/run/openvassd.sock" # Scanner listen socket # OpenVAS Security Assistant command args for reverse proxying | SSL PassThrough OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_OPTIONS="--no-redirect" # Don't listen port 80 anymore for reverse proxy OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_LISTEN_ADDRESS="--listen=" # WebUI adress OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_LISTEN_PORT="--port=9392" # WebUI Port OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_MANAGER_LISTEN_ADDRESS="--mlisten=" # WebUI Manager Address OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_MANAGER_PORT="--mport=9390" # WebUI Manager Port OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_GNUTLS_PRIORITIES="--gnutls-priorities=NORMAL" # TLS Settings ##################################################################################################### # Update Environment source /etc/profile &>/dev/null source /etc/environment &>/dev/null source ~/.bash_profile &>/dev/null # Check the needed executables.They are in our environment and have +x? if ! [ -x "$(command -v openvasmd)" ] || ! [ -x "$(command -v openvassd)" ] || ! [ -x "$(command -v redis-server)" ] || ! [ -x "$(command -v openvas-manage-certs)" ] || ! [ -x "$(command -v greenbone-nvt-sync)" ] || ! [ -x "$(command -v greenbone-scapdata-sync)" ] || ! [ -x "$(command -v greenbone-certdata-sync)" ]; then path="1" else path="0" fi # Check Security-Assistant is exist if ! [ -x "$(command -v gsad)" ]; then gsad="1" else gsad="0" fi # Executables are not in our environment if [ $path -eq 1 ]; then echo "Can't find executables! If you installed OpenVAS to specific location e.g. /opt" echo "please add these PATHS to /etc/profile,also sure that they are executable" exit 1 fi # Check systemd and enable services for Gentoo/Linux if command -v systemctl &>/dev/null; then systemctl="0" echo "systemd found." systemctl enable openvas-scanner.service &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "systemd.Gentoo --> openvas-scanner.service enabled." fi systemctl enable gvmd.service &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "systemd.Gentoo --> gvmd.service enabled." fi systemctl enable gsa.service &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "systemd.Gentoo --> gsa.service enabled." fi else systemctl="1" fi # Check open-rc if exist if command -v rc-service &>/dev/null; then open_rc="0" else open_rc="1" fi # open-rc variables if [ $systemctl -eq 1 ] && [ $open_rc -eq 0 ]; then echo "open-rc found." scanner_init="0" manager_init="0" assistant_init="0" redis_init="0" fi # Check status of OpenVAS-Scanner systemd unit if [ $systemctl -eq 0 ] && ([ "$(systemctl is-active openvas-scanner.service)" = "active" ] || [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep 'openvas-scanner.service' | awk '{print $1}')" = "openvas-scanner.service" ]); then scanner="0" else scanner="1" fi # Check status of OpenVAS-Manager systemd unit if [ $systemctl -eq 0 ] && ([ "$(systemctl is-active gvmd.service)" = "active" ] || [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep 'gvmd.service' | awk '{print $1}')" = "gvmd.service" ]); then manager="0" else manager="1" fi # Check status of OpenVAS-Assistant systemd unit if [ $systemctl -eq 0 ] && ([ "$(systemctl is-active gsa.service)" = "active" ] || [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep 'gsa.service' | awk '{print $1}')" = "gsa.service" ]); then assistant="0" else assistant="1" fi # Check status of Redis systemd unit if [ $systemctl -eq 0 ] && ([ "$(systemctl is-active redis.service)" = "active" ] || [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep 'redis.service' | awk '{print $1}')" = "redis.service" ]); then redis="0" else redis="1" fi # We need to find correct service name for restarting. if [ $scanner -eq 1 ] || [ $manager -eq 1 ] || [ $assistant -eq 1 ] || [ $redis -eq 1 ]; then WHICHM="ExecStart=$(type openvasmd | awk '{print $3}')" WHICHS="ExecStart=$(type openvassd | awk '{print $3}')" WHICHA="ExecStart=$(type gsad | awk '{print $3}')" WHICHR="ExecStart=$(type redis-server | awk '{print $3}')" # If you have unordinary systemd path you can add here DIR="/lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/ /usr/lib/systemd/system/ /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/" # Find OpenVAS daemons systemd files if exist for i in $DIR; do if [ -d "$i" ]; then grep -rilnw "$i" -e "$WHICHM" | cut -d: -f1 | grep -oP "$i\K.*" &>>/tmp/openvas_GVM_manager_service.out grep -rilnw "$i" -e "$WHICHS" | cut -d: -f1 | grep -oP "$i\K.*" &>>/tmp/openvas_GVM_scanner_service.out grep -rilnw "$i" -e "$WHICHA" | cut -d: -f1 | grep -oP "$i\K.*" &>>/tmp/openvas_GVM_assistant_service.out grep -rilnw "$i" -e "$WHICHR" | cut -d: -f1 | grep -oP "$i\K.*" &>>/tmp/openvas_GVM_redis_service.out fi done manager_service="$(while IFS= read -r service; do systemctl list-unit-files | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$service(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $1}' done < /tmp/openvas_GVM_manager_service.out)" scanner_service="$(while IFS= read -r service; do systemctl list-unit-files | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$service(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $1}' done < /tmp/openvas_GVM_scanner_service.out)" assistant_service="$(while IFS= read -r service; do systemctl list-unit-files | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$service(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $1}' done < /tmp/openvas_GVM_assistant_service.out)" redis_service="$(while IFS= read -r service; do systemctl list-unit-files | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$service(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $1}' done < /tmp/openvas_GVM_redis_service.out)" rm -rf /tmp/openvas_GVM* COUNTM=$(wc -w <<< "${manager_service}") COUNTS=$(wc -w <<< "${scanner_service}") COUNTA=$(wc -w <<< "${assistant_service}") COUNTR=$(wc -w <<< "${redis_service}") if [ -n "$manager_service" ] && [ $manager -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep $manager_service | awk '{print $1}')" = "$manager_service" ]; then echo "systemd --> OpenVAS Manager '$manager_service' found." else echo "systemd --> '$manager_service' found but not enabled." echo "are you sure this is the correct systemd service for Openvas Manager" while true; do read -n 1 -p "do you want to enable '$manager_service'? --> (Y)es | (N)o | (Q)uit" answer echo case $answer in [Yy]* ) systemctl enable "$manager_service" &>/dev/null; echo "systemd --> '$manager_service' enabled"; break;; [Nn]* ) manager_service=""; echo "it seems you are not sure.ok i don't use $manager_service"; break;; [Qq]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes,no or quit.";; esac done fi fi if [ -n "$scanner_service" ] && [ $scanner -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep $scanner_service | awk '{print $1}')" = "$scanner_service" ]; then echo "systemd --> OpenVAS Scanner '$scanner_service' found." else echo "systemd --> '$scanner_service' found but not enabled." echo "are you sure this is the correct systemd service for Openvas Scanner" while true; do read -n 1 -p "do you want to enable '$scanner_service'? --> (Y)es | (N)o | (Q)uit" answer echo case $answer in [Yy]* ) systemctl enable "$scanner_service" &>/dev/null; echo "systemd --> '$scanner_service' enabled"; break;; [Nn]* ) scanner_service=""; echo "it seems you are not sure.ok i don't use $scanner_service"; break;; [Qq]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes,no or quit.";; esac done fi fi if [ -n "$assistant_service" ] && [ $scanner -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep $assistant_service | awk '{print $1}')" = "$assistant_service" ]; then echo "systemd --> GSA '$assistant_service' found." else echo "systemd --> '$assistant_service' found but not enabled." echo "are you sure this is the correct systemd service for Greenbone Security Assistant" while true; do read -n 1 -p "do you want to enable '$assistant_service'? --> (Y)es | (N)o | (Q)uit" answer echo case $answer in [Yy]* ) systemctl enable "$assistant_service" &>/dev/null; echo "systemd --> '$assistant_service' enabled"; break;; [Nn]* ) assistant_service=""; echo "it seems you are not sure.ok i don't use $assistant_service"; break;; [Qq]* ) exit;; * ) echo "please answer yes,no or quit.";; esac done fi fi if [ -n "$redis_service" ] && [ $scanner -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'enabled' | grep $redis_service | awk '{print $1}')" = "$redis_service" ]; then echo "systemd --> redis '$redis_service' found." else echo "systemd --> '$redis_service' found but not enabled." echo "are you sure this is the correct systemd service for redis-server" while true; do read -n 1 -p "do you want to enable '$redis_service'? --> (Y)es | (N)o | (Q)uit" answer echo case $answer in [Yy]* ) systemctl enable "$redis_service" &>/dev/null; echo "systemd --> '$redis_service' enabled"; break;; [Nn]* ) redis_service=""; echo "it seems you are not sure.ok i don't use $redis_service"; break;; [Qq]* ) exit;; * ) echo "please answer yes,no or quit.";; esac done fi fi if [ $COUNTM -gt 1 ] || [ $COUNTS -gt 1 ] || [ $COUNTR -gt 1 ]; then echo "you have more than one enabled systemd service for single daemon" echo " check OpenVAS and Redis systemd unit files to fix it" exit 1 fi fi restart_redis () { if [ $redis -eq 0 ]; then systemctl restart redis.service &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "systemd --> redis.service is restarted." else echo "systemd --> redis.service cannot restarted." exit 1 fi elif [[ -n "$redis_service" ]]; then systemctl restart "$redis_service" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "systemd --> $redis_service is restarted." else echo "systemd --> $redis_service cannot restarted." exit 1 fi elif [[ -n "$redis_init" ]]; then rc-service redis stop sleep 5 rc-service redis start if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "open-rc --> redis is restarted." else echo "open-rc --> redis cannot restarted." exit 1 fi fi } build_nvt () { if ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvassd:(?=\s|$)" &>/dev/null; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvassd:(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null openvassd --foreground --only-cache &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "building NVT cache is done." else echo "building NVT cache is failed.." exit 1 fi else openvassd --foreground --only-cache &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "building NVT cache is done." else echo "building NVT cache is failed.." exit 1 fi fi } create_user () { GREEN="`tput setaf 2`" RED="`tput setaf 1`" norm="`tput sgr0`" echo "creating WebUI User.." openvasmd --create-user=admin --role=Admin &>/tmp/openvas_user.out if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then username="admin" password="$(cat /tmp/openvas_user.out | awk '{print $5}' | cut -c2-)" echo "${RED}!WebUI Address : ${GREEN}" echo "${RED}!WebUI Username: ${GREEN}$username" echo "${RED}!WebUI Password: ${GREEN}${password%??}${norm}" else echo "$(cat /tmp/openvas_user.out)" echo "these are active users for WebUI" openvasmd --get-users fi rm -rf /tmp/openvas_user.out } # Redis & OpenVAS Scanner socket connection check for Gentoo/Linux if [[ -e /etc/redis.conf ]]; then if [ "$(openvassd -s | grep 'kb_location' | awk '{print $3}')" = "$(cat /etc/redis.conf | grep -P '(^|\s)\Kunixsocket(?=\s|$)' | awk '{print $2}')" ]; then echo "redis server properly configured." else redis_sock="$(openvassd -s | grep 'kb_location' | awk '{print $3}')" echo "redis server is not properly configured." echo "be sure redis server listening unix socket at $redis_sock" echo "you can find example redis.conf file in /etc/openvas/redis.conf.example" exit 1 fi fi # Redis & OpenVAS Scanner socket connection check for other linux distros if [[ -e /etc/redis/redis.conf ]]; then if [ "$(openvassd -s | grep 'kb_location' | awk '{print $3}')" = "$(cat /etc/redis/redis.conf | grep -P '(^|\s)\Kunixsocket(?=\s|$)' | awk '{print $2}')" ]; then echo "redis server properly configured." else redis_sock="$(openvassd -s | grep 'kb_location' | awk '{print $3}')" echo "redis server is not properly configured." echo "be sure redis server listening unix socket at $redis_sock" exit 1 fi fi # Create certificates for fresh install openvas-manage-certs -a &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "certificates created." elif [ "$(openvas-manage-certs -a | grep -ow 'Existing')" = "Existing" ]; then echo "certificates already created." else echo "certificates cannot created." exit 1 fi # Start to update FEED & First NVT. try=0 until [ $try -ge 5 ]; do greenbone-nvt-sync &>/dev/null && break echo "can't connected! trying to update greenbone-nvt again.." try=$[$try+1] sleep 30 done # Check status if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "greenbone-nvt-sync is done." # Avoid your IP temporary banned because of multiple connection sleep 5 # Try to update scapdata. try=0 until [ $try -ge 5 ]; do greenbone-scapdata-sync &>/dev/null && break echo "can't connected! trying to update greenbone-scapdata again.." try=$[$try+1] sleep 30 done # Check status if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "greenbone-scapdata-sync is done." # Avoid your IP temporary banned because of multiple connection sleep 5 # Try to update certdata try=0 until [ $try -ge 5 ]; do greenbone-certdata-sync &>/dev/null && break echo "can't connected! Trying to update greenbone-certdata again.." try=$[$try+1] sleep 30 done # Check status if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "greenbone-certdata-sync is done." echo "building NVT cache this will take some time.." build_nvt # Check OpenVAS-Scanner is running if ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvassd:(?=\s|$)" &>/dev/null; then echo "OpenVAS-Scanner is running." echo "building Database this will take some time.." openvasmd --rebuild --progress &>/dev/null elif [ $scanner -eq 0 ]; then # Start OpenVAS-Scanner systemd unit & Rebuild Cache echo "systemd --> OpenVAS-Scanner is not running! trying to up.." systemctl start openvas-scanner.service &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Wait for initialize until [ "$(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -ow 'openvassd: Waiting')" = "openvassd: Waiting" ]; do sleep 15 echo "waiting for OpenVAS-Scanner to become ready.." done echo "systemd --> openvas-scanner.service started and waiting for connection." echo "building database this will take some time.." # Rebuild Cache openvasmd --rebuild --progress &>/dev/null else echo "systemd --> openvas-scanner.service cannot started.." exit 1 fi elif [[ -n "$scanner_service" ]]; then echo "systemd --> OpenVAS-Scanner is down! trying to up.." systemctl start "$scanner_service" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Wait for initialize until [ "$(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -ow 'openvassd: Waiting')" = "openvassd: Waiting" ]; do sleep 15 echo "waiting for OpenVAS-Scanner to become ready.." done echo "systemd --> $scanner_service is started and waiting for connection." echo "building database this will take some time.." # Rebuild Cache openvasmd --rebuild --progress &>/dev/null else echo "systemd --> $scanner_service cannot started.." exit 1 fi elif [[ -n "$scanner_init" ]]; then # Start OpenVAS-Scanner with init.d (open-rc) & Rebuild Cache echo "open-rc --> OpenVAS-Scanner is down! trying to up.." rc-service openvas-scanner start &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Wait for initialize until [ "$(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -ow 'openvassd: Waiting')" = "openvassd: Waiting" ]; do sleep 15 echo "waiting for OpenVAS-Scanner to become ready.." done echo "rc-service --> openvas-scanner started and waiting for connection." echo "building database this will take some time.." # Rebuild Cache openvasmd --rebuild --progress &>/dev/null else echo "rc-service --> openvas-scanner cannot started.." exit 1 fi else echo "OpenVAS-Scanner is not running! Trying to up.." openvassd "$OPENVAS_SCANNER_OPTIONS" "$OPENVAS_SCANNER_LISTEN_SOCKET" &>/dev/null # Wait for initialize if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then until [ "$(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -ow 'openvassd: Waiting')" = "openvassd: Waiting" ]; do sleep 15 echo "waiting for OpenVAS-Scanner to become ready.." done else echo "OpenVAS Scanner cannot started manually.." exit 1 fi echo "OpenVAS-Scanner started manually and waiting for connection." echo "building database this will take some time.." # Rebuild Cache openvasmd --rebuild --progress &>/dev/null fi # Check status if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "building database is done" create_user # Restart OpenVAS-Scanner if [ $scanner -eq 0 ]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvassd:(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null restart_redis sleep 3 systemctl restart openvas-scanner.service &>/dev/null elif [[ -n "$scanner_service" ]]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvassd:(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null restart_redis sleep 3 systemctl restart "$scanner_service" &>/dev/null elif [[ -n "$scanner_init" ]]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvassd:(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null restart_redis sleep 3 rc-service openvas-scanner start &>/dev/null else ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvassd:(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null restart_redis sleep 3 openvassd "$OPENVAS_SCANNER_OPTIONS" "$OPENVAS_SCANNER_LISTEN_SOCKET" &>/dev/null fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then until [ "$(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep -ow 'openvassd: Waiting')" = "openvassd: Waiting" ]; do sleep 10 echo "waiting for OpenVAS-Scanner to become ready.." done echo "OpenVAS-Scanner is restarted." # Restart OpenVAS-Manager if [ $manager -eq 0 ]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvasmd(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 systemctl restart gvmd.service &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then success="0" echo "systemd --> gvmd.service is restarted." echo "OpenVAS setup is ok." else echo "systemd --> gvmd.service cannot restarted." echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok!" exit 1 fi elif [[ -n "$manager_service" ]]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvasmd(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 systemctl restart "$manager_service" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then success="0" echo "systemd --> $manager_service is restarted" echo "OpenVAS setup is ok." else echo "systemd --> $manager_service cannot restarted" echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok!" exit 1 fi elif [[ -n "$manager_init" ]]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvasmd(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 rc-service gvmd start &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then success="0" echo "open-rc --> gvmd is restarted" echo "OpenVAS setup is ok." else echo "open-rc --> gvmd cannot restarted" echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok!" exit 1 fi else ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\Kopenvasmd(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 openvasmd "$OPENVAS_MANAGER_OPTIONS" "$OPENVAS_MANAGER_PORT" "$OPENVAS_MANAGER_LISTEN_ADDRESS" "$OPENVAS_MANAGER_SCANNER_HOST" "$OPENVAS_MANAGER_GNUTLS_PRIORITIES" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then success="0" echo "OpenVAS-Manager is restarted manually" echo "OpenVAS setup is ok." else echo "OpenVAS-Manager cannot restarted" echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok!" exit 1 fi fi else echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok! OpenVAS-scanner cannot restarted." fi else echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok! OpenVAS database build failed." fi else echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok! OpenVAS Certdata sync failed." fi else echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok! OpenVAS Scapdata sync failed." fi else echo "OpenVAS setup is not ok! OpenVAS NVT sync update failed." fi # Restart WebUI if [[ -n "$success" ]] && [ $gsad -eq 0 ]; then WHICHA="$(type gsad | awk '{print $3}')" if [ $assistant -eq 0 ]; then # Time to restart OpenVAS-Security Assistant ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$WHICHA(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 systemctl restart gsa.service &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "systemd --> gsa.service (OpenVAS WebUI) is restarted and ready for connection" else echo "systemd --> gsa.service (OpenVAS-WebUI) cannot restarted" fi elif [[ -n "$assistant_service" ]]; then if [ $COUNTA -eq 1 ]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$WHICHA(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 systemctl restart "$assistant_service" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "systemd --> $assistant_service (OpenVAS WebUI) is restarted and ready for connection" else echo "systemd --> $assistan_service (OpenVAS WebUI) cannot restarted." fi else echo "systemd --> OpenVAS WebUI cannot restarted! you have multiple enabled systemd services ($assistant_service)" exit 1 fi elif [[ -n "$assistant_init" ]]; then ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$WHICHA(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 rc-service gsa start &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "open-rc --> gsa (OpenVAS WebUI) is restarted" else echo "open-rc --> gsa (OpenVAS WebUI) cannot restarted." fi else ps aux | grep -v "grep" | grep -P "(^|\s)\K$WHICHA(?=\s|$)" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 &>/dev/null sleep 5 gsad "$OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_OPTIONS" "$OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_LISTEN_ADDRESS" "$OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_LISTEN_PORT" "$OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_MANAGER_LISTEN_ADDRESS" "$OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_MANAGER_LISTEN_PORT" "$OPENVAS_SECURITY_ASSISTANT_GNUTLS_PRIORITIES" &>/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OpenVAS WebUI is restarted" else echo "OpenVAS WebUI cannot restarted" fi fi fi