--- a/doc/alphabet-format.html
+++ b/doc/alphabet-format.html
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
providing a reference on the meaning of the symbols used. If present, the
symbol name must be the second field.
The "name" follows the rules of
- quoted text.
+ quoted text.
--- a/doc/release-notes.html
+++ b/doc/release-notes.html
@@ -14,8 +14,26 @@
Motif-based sequence analysis tools
MEME Suite Release Notes
+ MEME version 4.11.2 patch 1 -- June 16, 2016
+ -
+ Bug fixes
+ -
+ Fixed bug in MCAST 4.11.2 that caused it to prematurely truncate
+ reading the sequence file.
+ -
+ Modified MEME to fall back to a simple Dirichlet prior when
+ using DNA or a custom alphabet with a prior that requires
+ a prior library, but no prior libray is specified.
MEME version 4.11.2 -- May 5 2016
--- a/src/fasta-io.c
+++ b/src/fasta-io.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "alphabet.h"
#include "fasta-io.h"
#include "io.h"
+#include "seq-reader-from-fasta.h"
#include "prior-reader-from-psp.h"
#include "seq.h"
@@ -159,61 +160,6 @@
- * Read raw sequence until a new sequence is encountered or too many letters
- * are read. The new sequence is appended to the end of the given
- * sequence.
- *
- * Return: Was the sequence read completely?
- ****************************************************************************/
-static BOOLEAN_T read_raw_sequence_from_reader(
- DATA_BLOCK_READER_T *fasta_reader, // Sequence source
- char* name, // Sequence ID (used in error messages).
- ALPH_T* alph, // Alphabet in use
- unsigned int offset, // Current position in raw_sequence.
- unsigned int max_chars, // Maximum chars in raw_sequence.
- char* raw_sequence // Pre-allocated sequence.
-) {
- // tlb; change a_char to integer so it will compile on SGI
- int a_char;
- int start_update;
- BOOLEAN_T return_value = TRUE;
- // Start at the end of the given sequence.
- assert(offset < max_chars);
- DATA_BLOCK_T *seq_block = new_sequence_block(max_chars - offset);
- return_value = !fasta_reader->get_next_block(fasta_reader, seq_block);
- char *seq_buffer = get_sequence_from_data_block(seq_block);
- size_t seq_buffer_size = get_num_read_into_data_block(seq_block);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < seq_buffer_size; ++i) {
- a_char = seq_buffer[i];
- // Skip non-alphabetic characters.
- if (!isalnum(a_char) && a_char != '-' && a_char != '*' && a_char != '.') {
- if ((a_char != ' ') && (a_char != '\t') && (a_char != '\n') && (a_char != '\r')) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Skipping character %c in sequence %s.\n",
- a_char, name);
- }
- } else {
- // skip check if unknown alph
- if (alph != NULL && !alph_is_known(alph, a_char)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Converting illegal character %c to %c ",
- a_char, alph_wildcard(alph));
- fprintf(stderr, "in sequence %s.\n", name);
- a_char = alph_wildcard(alph);
- }
- raw_sequence[offset] = (char) a_char;
- ++offset;
- }
- }
- raw_sequence[offset] = '\0';
- free_data_block(seq_block);
- return(return_value);
* Read one sequence from a file in Fasta format.
* Return: Was a sequence successfully read?
@@ -320,44 +266,6 @@
- * Read up to max_chars letters of one sequence from a DATA_BLOCK_T readder
- * and copy them in to the raw sequence in the SEQ_T object starting at the
- * given buffer offset.
- ****************************************************************************/
-void read_one_fasta_segment_from_reader(
- DATA_BLOCK_READER_T *fasta_reader,
- size_t max_size,
- size_t buffer_offset,
- SEQ_T *sequence
-) {
- assert(sequence != NULL);
- assert(get_seq_length(sequence) <= max_size);
- // Get the raw sequence buffer from the SEQ_T
- char *raw_sequence = get_raw_sequence(sequence);
- if (raw_sequence == NULL) {
- // Allocate space for raw sequence if not done yet.
- raw_sequence = mm_malloc(sizeof(char) * max_size + 1);
- raw_sequence[0] = 0;
- }
- // Read a block of sequence charaters into the
- // raw sequence buffer for the SEQ_T.
- char *name = get_seq_name(sequence);
- BOOLEAN_T is_complete = read_raw_sequence_from_reader(
- fasta_reader,
- name,
- NULL, //FIXME this is dodgy, need a proper way of getting the alphabet. The fasta_reader has it but it is not accessable!
- buffer_offset,
- max_size,
- raw_sequence
- );
- set_raw_sequence(raw_sequence, is_complete, sequence);
* Read all the sequences from a FASTA file at once.
Multiple files can be appended by calling this more than once.
--- a/src/fasta-io.h
+++ b/src/fasta-io.h
@@ -43,19 +43,6 @@
- * Read up to max_chars letters of one sequence from a DATA_BLOCK_T readder
- * and copy them in to the raw sequence in the SEQ_T object starting at the
- * given buffer offset.
- ****************************************************************************/
-void read_one_fasta_segment_from_reader(
- DATA_BLOCK_READER_T *fasta_reader,
- size_t max_size,
- size_t buffer_offset,
- SEQ_T* sequence
* Read all the sequences from a file in Fasta format.
void read_many_fastas
--- a/src/init.c
+++ b/src/init.c
@@ -767,10 +767,16 @@
if (alph_is_builtin_protein(alph)) { // default mixture prior for proteins
plib_name = make_path_to_file(get_meme_etc_dir(), PROTEIN_PLIB);
} else {
- fprintf(stderr, "The prior library must be specified for DNA or custom "
- "alphabets when specifiying a prior type of 'dmix', 'mega' "
- "or 'megap'.");
- exit(1);
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "WARNING: When using DNA or a custom alphabet, "
+ "and specifiying a prior type of\n"
+ "'dmix', 'mega' or 'megap', a prior library must be provided.\n"
+ "No prior library was provided, so a simple Dirichlet prior will be used.\n"
+ );
+ prior = "dirichlet";
+ ptype = Dirichlet;
+ if (beta <= 0) beta = 0.01; // default b = 0.01 for simple Dirichlet
--- a/src/seq-reader-from-fasta.c
+++ b/src/seq-reader-from-fasta.c
@@ -639,11 +639,140 @@
return fasta_reader->current_position;
+ * Read up to max_chars letters of one sequence from a DATA_BLOCK_T readder
+ * and copy them in to the raw sequence in the SEQ_T object starting at the
+ * given buffer offset.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void read_one_fasta_segment_from_reader(
+ DATA_BLOCK_READER_T *fasta_reader,
+ size_t max_size,
+ size_t offset,
+ SEQ_T *sequence
+) {
+ assert(sequence != NULL);
+ assert(offset < max_size);
+ // Get the raw sequence buffer from the SEQ_T
+ char *raw_sequence = get_raw_sequence(sequence);
+ if (raw_sequence == NULL) {
+ // Allocate space for raw sequence if not done yet.
+ raw_sequence = mm_malloc(sizeof(char) * max_size + 1);
+ raw_sequence[0] = 0;
+ }
+ // Read a block of sequence charaters into the
+ // raw sequence buffer for the SEQ_T, starting at offset.
+ BOOLEAN_T is_complete = read_raw_sequence_from_reader(
+ fasta_reader,
+ max_size - offset,
+ raw_sequence + offset
+ );
+ set_raw_sequence(raw_sequence, is_complete, sequence);
+ * Read raw sequence until a new sequence is encountered or too many letters
+ * are read.
+ *
+ * Return: Was the sequence read completely?
+ ****************************************************************************/
+BOOLEAN_T read_raw_sequence_from_reader(
+ DATA_BLOCK_READER_T *reader, // Sequence source
+ unsigned int max_chars, // Maximum chars in raw_sequence.
+ char* raw_sequence // Pre-allocated sequence buffer.
+) {
+ SEQ_READER_FROM_FASTA_T *fasta_reader
+ = (SEQ_READER_FROM_FASTA_T *) get_data_block_reader_data(reader);
+ // Read sequence into temp. buffer from the sequence file.
+ char buffer[max_chars];
+ long start_file_pos = ftell(fasta_reader->fasta_file);
+ size_t seq_index = 0;
+ size_t total_read = 0;
+ while (seq_index < max_chars) {
+ size_t num_char_read = fread(
+ buffer,
+ sizeof(char),
+ max_chars - seq_index,
+ fasta_reader->fasta_file
+ );
+ fasta_reader->current_position += num_char_read;
+ total_read += num_char_read;
+ if (feof(fasta_reader->fasta_file)) {
+ fasta_reader->at_end_of_file = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (num_char_read < (max_chars - seq_index)) {
+ die(
+ "Error while reading sequence from file:%s.\nError message: %s\n",
+ fasta_reader->filename,
+ strerror(ferror(fasta_reader->fasta_file))
+ );
+ }
+ size_t i;
+ for(i = 0; i < num_char_read; ++i) {
+ char c = buffer[i];
+ assert(c != 0);
+ if (isspace(c)) {
+ // Skip over white space
+ fasta_reader->at_start_of_line = (c == '\n');
+ }
+ else if (c == '>' && fasta_reader->at_start_of_line == TRUE) {
+ // We found the start of a new sequence while trying
+ // to fill the buffer. Leave the buffer incomplete.
+ // and wind back the file
+ fseek(fasta_reader->fasta_file, start_file_pos + i - 1, SEEK_SET);
+ fasta_reader->current_position = start_file_pos + i - 1;
+ fasta_reader->at_end_of_seq = TRUE;
+ fasta_reader->at_start_of_line = FALSE;
+ fasta_reader->at_end_of_file = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ fasta_reader->at_start_of_line = FALSE;
+ // Check that character is legal in alphabet.
+ // If not, replace with wild card character.
+ if (alph_is_known(fasta_reader->alphabet, c)) {
+ raw_sequence[seq_index] = c;
+ }
+ else {
+ raw_sequence[seq_index] = alph_wildcard(fasta_reader->alphabet);
+ fprintf(
+ stderr,
+ "Warning: %c is not a valid character in %s alphabet.\n"
+ " Converting %c to %c.\n",
+ c,
+ alph_name(fasta_reader->alphabet),
+ c,
+ raw_sequence[i]
+ );
+ }
+ ++seq_index;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fasta_reader->at_end_of_seq | fasta_reader->at_end_of_file) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ raw_sequence[seq_index] = '\0';
+ return(fasta_reader->at_end_of_seq | fasta_reader->at_end_of_file);
- * Fills in the next data block for the sequence.
- * During the first call for the sequence it fills in the full data block.
- * On successive calls, shifts the sequence in the block down one position
- * and reads one more character.
+ * Populates the data block for the with the next block of sequence.
+ *
+ * During the first call for the sequence it fills in a buffer from a file,
+ * The sequence pointer in the data block is set to point at the start of the buffer.
+ * On successive calls, the sequence pointer in the block is shifted down one position
+ * in the buffer. When the end of the buffer is reached, it is filled again from the file.
* Returns TRUE if it was able to completely fill the block, FALSE if
* the next sequence or EOF was reached before the block was filled.
--- a/src/seq-reader-from-fasta.h
+++ b/src/seq-reader-from-fasta.h
@@ -37,5 +37,30 @@
int * end_ptr // end position of sequence (chr:\d+-(\d+))
+ * Read raw sequence until a new sequence is encountered or too many letters
+ * are read.
+ *
+ * Return: Was the sequence read completely?
+ ****************************************************************************/
+BOOLEAN_T read_raw_sequence_from_reader(
+ DATA_BLOCK_READER_T *fasta_reader, // Sequence source
+ unsigned int max_chars, // Maximum chars in raw_sequence.
+ char* raw_sequence // Pre-allocated sequence.
+ * Read up to max_chars letters of one sequence from a DATA_BLOCK_T readder
+ * and copy them in to the raw sequence in the SEQ_T object starting at the
+ * given buffer offset.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void read_one_fasta_segment_from_reader(
+ size_t max_size,
+ size_t offset,
+ SEQ_T *sequence
size_t get_current_pos_from_seq_reader_from_fasta(DATA_BLOCK_READER_T *reader);